Parañaque Alternative Learning Programs

Not all Filipinos can attend and finish basic education. There are many reasons why this happens. First, some people don’t have schools in their communities. Others drop out of their schools before finishing their education because of responsibilities. Then, there are those with disabilities who can’t go to school. That’s why the government has established the Alternative Learning System, so all Filipinos will have an opportunity to complete basic education that is fit to their situation. If you want to learn about the Parañaque Alternative Learning Programs, keep on reading.


Alternative Learning System Act

One of the measures principally authored by Congresswoman Joy Tambunting is the Republic Act 11510 or also known as the Alternative Learning System Act. This institutionalizes the Alternative Learning System (ALS) in basic education for out-of-school children in special cases and adults.

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a parallel learning system in the Philippines. It is a substitute when you can’t or don’t have access to formal education in schools. Through its implementation, it can raise the level of literacy of Filipinos and help build a sustainable future.

By institutionalizing the ALS, the program is strengthened and expanded, therefore providing increased opportunities to Filipinos who need them. RA 11510 also states the creation of the Bureau of Alternative Education (BAE), which will implement the ALS programs of DepEd.


Alternative Learning System in The Philippines

Alternative Learning System in The Philippines

ALS is a free education program designed for Filipinos who cannot attend formal schooling. It is made for out-of-school youth in special cases and adults. It’s an opportunity for dropouts in elementary and secondary schools, non-readers, and senior citizens to complete basic education. Because of the flexible time and learning method, working Filipinos can also enroll in the program.

ALS also provides learning opportunities for those who live in unreached, underserved, and conflict-affected communities. There are also specialized programs for people with disabilities.

The programs are modular and flexible, so learning is done at any place and time depending on the needs of the students. ALS learners have many opportunities to learn — whether it’s online, modular, TV-based, radio-based, blended learning, and more.


How to Enroll in The Alternative Learning System Program in Parañaque

Almost 4 million people have enrolled in the ALS program from 2016 to 2021. It has prepared Filipinos for higher education, which can help them find a good job to support their families.

The good news is that the ALS program accepts students every day, even when the classes have already started. For Filipinos that want to complete their elementary and high school education, you can inquire in community learning centers (CLC) in your barangay or public schools in your area.

Then, you can fill-up the form at this link and submit it to your ALS teacher along with the other requirements:

  • Copy of birth certificate (PSA or NSO)
  • 2×2 ID picture with white background
  • Form 137 (for students who have attended formal schooling)

After submitting these requirements, you can follow up on the status of your enrollment with your ALS teacher. Get your Learning Reference Number (LRN) as proof that you’re enrolled in the program.

For additional assistance, you can also contact the DepEd School Division Office (SDO) in Parañaque.

Parañaque Central School

Superintendent: Evangeline P. Ladines

Assistant Superintendent: Violeta M. Gonzales [OIC-ASDS]

Landline: (02) 826-79-37 (tf) 826-86-48; 826-58-86

Email: [email protected]


Educational Assistance in Parañaque

Congresswoman Joy and Gus Tambunting believe in the importance of education. That’s why they have implemented projects such as the following:

  • Pa-Computer
  • School Supplies For Day Care
  • Cash Incentives For Top Students In Elementary and High School
  • Read Along

If you’re looking for educational assistance, the office of Joy and Gus Tambunting is here for you. You can view the requirements by clicking here.

For questions and inquiries, you can visit the office at #38 2nd Floor La Plaza Bldg. Presidents Avenue Brgy. BF Homes Parañaque City. You can also call or send a text message on the following contact numbers:


Text Messaging:








546 – 5851

546 – 5852


Key Takeaway

Through the Alternative Learning System, millions of Filipinos have had the opportunity to access basic education. This is proof that even if you drop out of school early, have to work, live in areas without schools that offer formal education, or have a disability, you can still complete your studies.

Now that you know more about the Parañaque Alternative Learning Programs, don’t hesitate to contact the community learning center in your barangay or public school near you. An ALS teacher can help you enroll in the program, even if classes have already started!

You can also contact Joy and Gus Tambunting’s office for educational assistance. As public servants, they have always been looking out for Filipinos who want to complete their education.