Only a few days from today, the Philippine elections will be taking place. You and the other 65 million Filipinos will be casting your ballots and voting for the candidates that you think will make a difference in our country. By voting, you have the chance to stand up for the things you care about and support the candidates with the same ideas. Make sure that your voice is heard properly by knowing how to vote in the May 9 elections. Keep on reading!
How To Prepare For The May 9 Election
Before the May 9 elections, make time to understand the platforms and the achievements of the candidates running for office. Remember that every vote counts. You may only have one vote, but together with others, you will make a difference.
It’s recommended to make a list of the people you will vote for so you can quickly complete the voting process. Here are positions that need to be elected on May 9:
- President
- Vice president
- Senators
- Members of the House of Representatives
- Provincial governor and vice-governor
- Members of provincial boards
- Mayor and vice-mayor of cities and municipalities
- Councilors
Before the day of the election, make sure to view the certified list of candidates on Comelec’s website. Click here.
How To Vote During The May 9 Election
To make your voting experience much better, you should follow the step-by-step voting process below:
- Come to the voting center between 6 a.m. to 7. pm on May 9.
- Have your temperature checked before entering the voting area.
- Go to the Voter’s Assistance Desk (VAD) for your precinct, queue, and room number.
- Proceed to your assigned room and present yourself to the Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs).
- Once it’s your turn, get your ballot, ballot secrecy folder, and marking pen. Make sure the ballot is clean from marks.
- Fill out the ballot by completely shading the ovals for the candidates.
- Insert your ballot carefully into the Vote Counting Machine (VCM).
- Check your voter receipt and drop it at the receptacle provided.
- Return the ballot secrecy folder and marker.
- Have your right forefinger nail marked with indelible ink.
It’s recommended to arrive at the voting center early and not wait until the last minute. Follow the health and safety protocols when you arrive and do your best to completely fill out the ovals that correspond to your chosen candidate.
Things To Remember During The May 9 Elections
Aside from the step-by-step voting process, there are some things that you should and shouldn’t do during the Philippine Elections:
Don’t Overvote On The Ballot
While you can choose to undervote or abstain on certain positions, overvoting is not allowed. If you do so, your vote will not be counted by the VCM.
Don’t Make Other Marks In The Ballot
Aside from the marks on the ovals, don’t make other marks on the ballot. This can cause your ballots to be rejected by the VCM. In this case, you won’t be given a chance to re-cast your vote. Other than that, make sure to not fold, crumple, or tear the ballots.
Don’t Bring The Voter’s Receipt Out
After checking your voter’s receipt, make sure to drop it at the provided receptacle before exiting the room.
Don’t Take Photos And Videos
It’s prohibited to take photos and videos inside the polling precinct. This includes taking pictures and videos of your ballot, voter’s receipt, and VCM screen.
Don’t Bring Campaign Materials In The Precinct
You cannot bring campaign materials — such as pamphlets, leaflets, cards, stickers, or others inside the precinct.
Use Only The Official Marker Provided
You will be provided with an official marker that you will use to fill out the ballot. Make sure to completely fill out the entire oval corresponding to the candidate you wish to vote for.
Follow Health Protocols
Since we are still in a pandemic, make sure to follow the health protocols for your health and safety, including other voters, the poll volunteers, and the Electoral board. This includes temperature checks, physical distancing, wearing of face masks, and disinfection of hands.
Follow The Liquor Ban
There will be a liquor ban on the day before the election (May 8, 2022) and on the election day (May 9, 2022).
Key Takeaway
Now that you know how to vote in the May 9 elections, it’s time to prepare your list of candidates while there is still time. While voting is a one-day event, making your decision requires time and effort on your part.
Make sure to research and understand their platforms and achievements before making your final decision. This way, you can choose the right candidates for the 2022 elections. Remember, even if you’re just one person, your vote counts. Think of what will be good for the Filipino people when weighing your options.